SusWoo Global
SusWoo Global Sustainable Woodstock collaborates with Sustainable Woodstock UK, Small Planet Institute, and others to educate and engage the global community. Sustainable Woodstock UK Small Planet Institute
SusWoo Global Sustainable Woodstock collaborates with Sustainable Woodstock UK, Small Planet Institute, and others to educate and engage the global community. Sustainable Woodstock UK Small Planet Institute
Solarize Testimonials 2010 / 36 Panel Solar Array ReKnew Energy Systems, Inc. Jill Davies and Nigel Hollis moved into their home in Woodstock about five years ago. Before moving in they did a lot of work on the home because they wanted to maintain the streetscape but have a modern house with as many “green” …
Legacy Projects Energy & Transportation Action Group Sustainable Woodstock’s Energy & Transportation Action Group (SWEAT) wrote the Town/Village of Woodstock’s Comprehensive Plan Energy Chapter and worked with the Woodstock Select Board and the Planning and Zoning Department to adopt the plan.View Plan East End Park As an organization that conceives and develops projects and initiatives …
Energy Equity Energy Equity Opportunities Heating Vermont’s aging, inefficient housing is a major source of energy inequity and carbon emissions. Many families cannot afford energy-efficiency upgrades, let alone energy upgrades like heat pumps, solar arrays or electric vehicles. Sustainable Woodstock focuses on equal energy opportunities for all by offering free home weatherization resources and assistance …
Water Quality WISPr Funds Woodstock is proud to be the first Vermont town to receive funds from the The Water Infrastructure Sponsorship Program (WISPr). On behalf of the Town and Village of Woodstock, Sustainable Woodstock has been approved for $280,000 in WISPr funding to cover the cost of implementing natural resource projects throughout the Town …
Education Initiatives Education is integral to all of Sustainable Woodstock’s programs, films, events and initiatives. Sustainable Woodstock’s Energy and Transportation Action Group and Forest Carbon Action Group regularly offer public educational programs conducted by experts in their respective fields. Green Drinks For seven years our monthly Green Drinks programs have focused on sustainability activity in Woodstock, …
History of East End Park Current Stewardship and Management of East End Park When the park was completed in early 2021, Sustainable Woodstock transferred long-term stewardship of the East End Park Project to the Woodstock Community Trust as part of that organization’s mission to improve the quality of life in Woodstock. For more information visit …
Economic Development Economic Development Commission In 2009 the Sustainable Woodstock Economic Development Action Group drafted a town economic development plan which proposed the formation of a Town/Village Economic Development Commission (EDC). The EDC was appointed in December 2009 and continues to work for the betterment of the Town and Village of Woodstock. Local First Alliance …
Forest Carbon Management Mission of the Forest Carbon Action Group The mission of the Forest Carbon Action Group (FCAG) is to build our base of knowledge and resources in order to educate, encourage and assist landowners to manage their forests for carbon storage and sequestration as a means for mitigating climate change. Forest Carbon Action …
Community Gardens History of Community Gardens Started in 2009 under the guidance of master gardener Anne Dean, we run two community gardens at Billings Farm and King Farm in partnership with Billings Farm and the Vermont Land Trust. These gardens service over 30 families and organizations, and have dedicated growing space to produce vegetables for …