Food Security

Food Security Throughout the Upper Valley

Responding to significant demand from families wanting/needing to grown their own food, Sustainable Woodstock has increased community gardens plots by 30%, offered sliding-scale fees & cultivated new garden beds to grow vegetables for the Woodstock Community Food Shelf, which serves Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Pomfret, Plymouth, Reading and Woodstock.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, SW has collaborated with and supported organizations serving at the front lines to address critical needs for food and nutrition among individuals, families and organizations throughout the Upper Valley, including the Upper Valley Haven and regional food shelves in Windsor, Reading-Brownsville and Hartland. We have worked with many organizations serving diverse populations, including the Ottauquechee Health Foundation, VT Food Bank, Vital Communities, SEVCA and COVER Home Repair.

Grow Your Own Garden

In recent years, our GROW YOUR OWN GARDEN project has provided—free of charge—complete gardening kits that have enabled some 600 people of all ages, and from economically-challenged households, to establish new gardens and grow their own nutritious vegetables. 

Food Security Resources

3 Squares VT

Commonly known as EBT or Food Stamps. Find out more.


This program is available to Vermonters over 60 years of age who are income eligible. Contact the Vermont Foodbank at for assistance.

Meals on Wheels

Call the helpline to see if you are eligible: 1-800-642-5119

The NOFA Farm Share Program

Offers support for limited-income Vermonters by paying half of a CSA share.


The VeggieVanGo program is run through the Vermont Foodbank. These events are free and open to everyone with no registration required. You simply show up in your vehicle and pick up fresh fruits and veggies.

Your Local Food Shelf

The Vermont Foodbank has an online food shelf locator. Many food shelves now deliver, or can have someone pick up food for you.


WIC is the USDA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. WIC provides food benefits, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, counseling and programs for pregnant Vermonters, parents and caregivers with children under 5.

Learn More

Please contact us for more information about programs and initiatives.