Inspire, educate and empower everyone to live environmentally, economically and socially responsible lives.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Film Screenings


Help Your Neighbors Stay Warm This Winter

Electric Lawn Care Finds Success in Woodstock

Walk Around the World

Vermont’s Traditional Economies on Climate Change

Microplastics Pose a Big Problem

The Wonders of Walking & Bicycling

Children of the Stars

2023 Incentives to Go Green

Give the Gift of Snow by Fighting Climate Change

Intermunicipal Regional Energy Coordinator’s (IREC) Accomplishments in Woodstock

‘Tis the Season for Sustainability

Protecting Our Rivers

2022 Sustainable Woodstock Highlights

Raising the (Handle) Bar on Cycling

Lowering Our Carbon Foodprint

Hurricane Ian

How Climate Change is Changing Hurricane Season

Eating Green

Indigenous Usufruct Rights and Stewardship

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