Film Series

Upper Valley Climate Change & Sustainability Film Series

Sustainable Woodstock and Pentangle Arts host a monthly free screening of films and documentaries focused on Climate Change and Sustainability. We do this as a way to foster—in a fun and relaxed environment—a broader awareness of the wide-ranging issues impacting our planet and our future. Some films are followed by a panel discussion or Q&A to explore the issues presented and to share ways that we, as individuals and communities, can engage in becoming part of the solution.

The series is free and open to all. Donations are welcome. For more information contact us at

Hosted by Sustainable Woodstock and Pentangle Arts. Made possible by our generous underwriters VERMONT COMMUNITY FOUNDATION and MASCOMA BANK and sponsors Ellaway Group | The Unicorn | Yankee Bookshop | Mark Knott DDS.

Film Series


We normally screen films at the Woodstock Town Hall Theatre—a historic venue with lofty ceilings, plenty of seating and a state-of-the-art projection and sound system. The Theatre is located at 31 the Green Woodstock, VT.

Note: We are primarily screening films virtually, with some hybrid in-person/virtual options.

Past Film Screenings

The Film Series is underwritten by:

The Film Series is sponsored by:

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Please contact us for more information about programs and initiatives.